

[单选] 根据《中华人民共和国船舶及其有关作业活动污染海洋环境防治管理规定》,海事管理机构收到货物适运申报、船舶适载申报后,应当根据规定的条件在()内作出批准或者不批准的决定。

A . 24h
B . 48h
C . 72h
D . 7天

An activity has an early start date-of the lOth and a late start date of the 19th. The activity also has a duration of 4 days. There are no nonworkdays. From the information given, ()what can be concluded about the activity? Project selection methods involve measuring value or attractiveness to the project owner or sponsor and may include other organizational decision criteria ()is not a project selection method. Benefitcontribution。 Expertjudgment。 Scoringmodels。 Flowcharting。 Creating WBS means subdividing the major project deliverables into smaller components until the deliverables are defined to the level() independentresource。 individualworkload。 workmilestone。 workpackage。 Many useful tools and techniques are used in developing schedule()is a schedule network analysis technique that modifies the project schedule to account for limited resource. PERT。 Resourceleveling。 Schedulecompression。 Critical chain method。 Project schedule management is made up of six management processes including: activity definition, activity sequencing()and schedule control by order. activity duration estimating, schedule developing, activity resource estimating。 activity resource estimating, activity duration estimating, schedule development。 schedule developing, activity resource estimating, activity duration estimating。 activity resource estimating, schedule developing, activity duration estimating。 根据《中华人民共和国船舶及其有关作业活动污染海洋环境防治管理规定》,海事管理机构收到货物适运申报、船舶适载申报后,应当根据规定的条件在()内作出批准或者不批准的决定。



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