

[单选,材料题] The scientists told people to use Interact less.

Internet(因特网)use seems to cause a decline(下降)in psychological(心理的)health,which is reported by a study.
Even people who spent just a few hours a week on the Internet felt moil depression(沮丧)and loneliness than those who spent little time on the Internet.the two-year study showed.And it wasn’t that people who were already leering bad spent more time on the Interact,but that using the Interact seems to cause the bad feelings.
Scientists are surprised at the results.which well quite different from what they thought before.They thought that the Internet would make people psychologically healthier than TV,since on the Internet users are free to choose their information and to communicate(交流)with others.
However,the scientists also said,when people spend a lot of time on the all the day lime on the Internet,there is no time left for them to be with their family and friends.They can’t have real conversations.Another possible reason is that people can see the outside world on the Interact and it makes them less satisfied(满意的)with their fives.
"But it’s important to remember this is not about the Interact itself;it’s about how it is used.”0ne of the scientists says.
Interact use seems to be bad for people’s psychological health.

A . Right.
B . Wrong.
C . Doesn’t Say.

-would like to study math in college _______my brother hate it very much. and。 though。 while。 第49题应填: Who。 Why。 How。 第47题应填: did。 repeated。 asked。 The scientists told people to use Interact less.



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