

[单选,材料题] 第49题应填:

Indians always shake(摇)their heads when they talk“ others. 41 does not have the same meaning 42 ‘!no”.If someone wants to visit India, 43 should know this, 44 it will give him some trouble.
One day.a foreign officer went to India on business.He hired(雇佣、a car and an Indian to drive it。When he 45 the driver to send him to his office,the driver shook his 46 at 3nee.The officer repeated his order,and the driver 47 so again.At last,the officer,of course,got 48 .
“ 49 dare you refuse(拒绝)my order?”he shouted.“Drive me to office immediately!”
The driver answered 50 quite a loud voice。too.“Yes,sir!”Bu he still shook his hem at the same time.
Suddenly the officer realized that.“No means Yes here!”

A . Who
B . Why
C . How

What do you know about “carnation”? It only has two kinds of colors.。 It refers to the clothes people wear on Mother’s Day.。 It’s a kind of flower showing love and best wishes. 。 The scientists told people to use Interact less. Right.。 Wrong.。 Doesn’t Say.。 The teacher said that the earth ______around the sun. turns。 turned。 turn。 Who was robbed in the story? The Frenchman. 。 The Italian. 。 Neither of them 。 第49题应填:



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