


In approximating costs, the estimator considers the possible causes ofvariation of the cost estimates, including()

A . budget
B . plan
C . risk
D . contract

Project()Management is the Knowledge Area that employs the processes required to ensure timely and appropriate generation, collection, distribution, storage,retrieval, and ultimate disposition ofproject information. Integration。 Time。 Planning。 Communication。 根据《防治船舶污染海洋环境管理条例》,船舶处置污染物,应当在相应的记录簿内如实记录。船舶应当将使用完毕的船舶垃圾记录簿在船上保留()年;将使用完毕的含油污水、含有毒有害物质污水记录簿在船上保留()年。 2/3。 1/3。 2/2。 1/3。 ()is a category assigned to products or services having the samefunctional use but different technical characteristics. Itisnotsameasquality. Problem。 Grade。 Risk。 Defect。 Project()Management includes the processes required to ensure that theproj ect includes all the work required, and only the work required, to complete the project successfully. Integration。 Scope。 Configuration。 Requirement。 In the project management context()includes characteristics of unification,consolidation, articulation, and integrative actions that are crucial to project completion,successfully meeting customer and other stakeholder requirements, and managing expectations. integration。 scope。 process。 charter。

In approximating costs, the estimator considers the possible causes ofvariation of the cost estimates, including()



该题的关键词为"approximating costs、 causes ofvariation",其语句结构为"the estimator (主语)considers(谓语)the possible causes ofvariation of the cost estimates, including()",含义为"估算人员考虑对成本估算可能造成影响的原因,包括什么"。估算成本考虑不确定性,而不确定性正是风险的一个基本特征,所以选择选项C。

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