

[单选] The principal advantage of NAVTEX radio warnings is that().

A . they can be used by mariners who do not know Morse code
B . only an ordinary FM radio is necessary to receive these warnings
C . information on a given topic is only broadcast at specified times
D . they cover a broad spectrum of the radio band allowing reception on almost any type of receiver

将DNS客户机请求的完全合格域名解析为对应的IP地址的过程被称为()查询。 正向。 反向。 递归。 迭代。 Under the International Code of Signals how are geographical locations such as New York City transmitted?() A commonly used abbreviation such as NYC is used。 The name is spelled out。 The geographical coordinates are used。 The radio station call sign for the nearest marine radio station is used。 具有调节腠理的开合、汗液的排泄作用的气是() 元气。 营气。 卫气。 宗气。 Windows Server 2003默认的共享权限是Everyone组具有()权限。 读取。 更改。 完全修改。 读取与执行。 下列选项中哪一项中的人名和著作全都符合?() 朱永新《新教育之梦》,加德纳《多元智能》,苏霍姆林斯基《帕夫雷什中学》。 苏霍姆林斯基《给教师的建议》,李镇西《爱心育人》,加德纳《多元智能》。 李镇西《爱心与教育》,李镇西《爱心与教育》,卢梭《大教育论》。 夸美纽斯《大教育论》,洛克《教育漫话》,周川《不跪着教书》。 The principal advantage of NAVTEX radio warnings is that().



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