

[填空题] 运行Windows 2003的计算机的磁盘分区可使用的三种文件系统是:FAT、()、NTFS。

多少周岁的未成年人是限制民事行为能力人:() ["十周岁以上、十六周岁以下","十二周岁以上、十六周岁以下","十周岁以上、十八周岁以下"] NTFS权限有6个基本的权限:完全控制、()、()、列出文件夹目录、修改、读取及运行。 属于水液代谢障碍而形成的病理产物是() ["瘀血","痰饮","津液","液"] What are the conditions,under GMDSS,whereby a ship is NOT allowed to depart from any port? () ["The vessel is not capable of performing all required distress and safety functions","The vessel is carrying more than the required number of qualified GMDSS radio operators","The vessel has a temporary waiver of its radio license and Safety Certificate","The vessel is not carrying a GMDSS radio maintainer,but has provided for shoreside maintenance plus duplication of equipment if required"] 融资性担保公司由谁负责牵头制定政策制度()。 ["A.人民银行","B.银监会","C.省级地方政府","D.发改委"] 运行Windows 2003的计算机的磁盘分区可使用的三种文件系统是:FAT、()、NTFS。



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