

[单选] A sequence was created with the DDL statement shown below:CREATE SEQUENCE my_seq START WITH 5 INCREMENT BY 5 CACHE 5 User1 successfully executes the following statements in Connection1: VALUES NEXT VALUE FOR my_seq INTO :con1hvar VALUES NEXT VALUE FOR my_seq INTO :con1hvar User2 successfully executes the following statement in Connection2: VALUES NEXT VALUE FOR my_seq INTO :con2hvar After User1 & User2 are finished, User3 executes the following statement in Connection3: SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR my_seq FROM sysibm.sysdummy1Which value will be returned by the query?()

A . 20
B . 25
C . 50
D . 55

未取消辅修货车厂、段修时,编织制动软管总成质量保证期限为()。 6个月。 1年。 1个段辅期。 1个段修期。 大二男生张三,屡次在考试中出现不及格。辅导员问其原因时,张三总是回答:“老师出的题目太难”,或“我都认真复习了,但老师出题太偏”,或“没地方看书,寝室和教室都太吵,图书馆位子又太少”。而辅导员从其他同学处了解到的情况则是:“他在谈恋爱,根本没看他看什么书。”教师在运用归因理论分析学生状况时,应把握归因理论的精髓:()。 有助于了解学生心理活动发生的因果链。 有助于分析学生稳定的心理特征与个性差异。 有助于从特定的学习行为及其结果预测个体在相同或相似情况下可能产生的学习行为。 并非“放之四海皆准”,要本着客观、科学的态度来具体问题具体分析。 An administrator is installing AIX 6.1 on a new LPAR and the boot sequence has stalled with reference code 0c31. What is the most likely cause?() The system is waiting for user input to define console type lft0.。 The system is waiting for user input to define console type tty0.。 The system is waiting for user input to define console type vty0.。 The system is waiting for user input to define console type vsa0.。 When planning for secure communications between a partner and the Point of Contact, at what level is the SSL connection defined?() each individual partner within a single federation。 all federations configured for an instance of IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager (ITFIM)。 each individual federation within an instance of ITFIM。 all federation functionality fronted by a single instance of IBM Tivoli Access Manager for e-business WebSEAL。 使用ADSL拨号上网,需要在用户端安装()协议。 PPP。 SLIP。 PPTP。 PPPoE。 A sequence was created with the DDL statement shown below:CREATE SEQUENCE my_seq START WITH 5 INCREMENT BY 5 CACHE 5 User1 successfully executes the following statements in Connection1: VALUES NEXT VALUE FOR my_seq INTO :con1hvar VALUES NEXT VALUE FOR my_seq INTO :con1hvar User2 successfully executes the following statement in Connection2: VALUES NEXT VALUE FOR my_seq INTO :con2hvar After User1 & User2 are finished, User3 executes the following statement in Connection3: SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR my_seq FROM sysibm.sysdummy1Which value will be returned by the query?()



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