

[单选] 若随机变量,且未知,从中随机抽取样本,并经计算得到其均值为,则由估计μ的置信度为95%的置信区间时,置信区间的宽度()。

A . 是确定的
B . 是随机的
C . 是人为规定的
D . 无法确定的

A file on the system ahs been lost, but the latest version is on a mksysb tape. The file is extracted from this mksysb tape by loading the tape. Which of the following indicates where the tape will be skipped forward?() Third image, and resoting the file with the tar command。 Third image, and restoring the file with the dd command。 Fourth image, and restoring the file with the restore command。 Fourth image followed by the tar command。 肖像权 Click the Exhibit button. What two must the programmer do to correct the compilation errors? () insert a call to this() in the Car constructor。 insert a call to this() in the MeGo constructor。 insert a call to super() in the MeGo constructor。 insert a call to super(vin) in the MeGo constructor。 change the wheelCount variable in Car to protected。 change line 3 in the MeGo class to super.wheelCount = 3。 Which command will migrate a filesystem from onevolume group to another?() cpfs。 cplv。 mkfscopy。 migratepv。 有机磷酸酯为神经毒素,主要是竞争性抑制()的活性,导致神经突触和中枢的神经递质的-乙酰胆碱的累积,从而引起中枢神经中毒。 乙酯胆碱还原酶。 乙酯胆碱氧化酶。 乙酯胆碱脂酶。 乙酰胆碱水解酶。 若随机变量,且未知,从中随机抽取样本,并经计算得到其均值为,则由估计μ的置信度为95%的置信区间时,置信区间的宽度()。



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