

[单选] A file on the system ahs been lost, but the latest version is on a mksysb tape. The file is extracted from this mksysb tape by loading the tape. Which of the following indicates where the tape will be skipped forward?()

A . Third image, and resoting the file with the tar command
B . Third image, and restoring the file with the dd command
C . Fourth image, and restoring the file with the restore command
D . Fourth image followed by the tar command

A user is unable to determine the default system texteditor. How can the local administrator assist the user by identifying the default text editor for the system?() Login as the user and run 'echo $ENV'.。 Login as root and run the 'env' command.。 Login as root and 'cat /etc/environment'.。 Login as the user and run the 'env' command.。 保管合同的任何一方变更或解除合同不可以免除责任的是() 在不损害国家利益的前提下,双方经过协商同意变更或解除合同的。 由于不可抗力的原因,造成合同无法履行。 当事人由于经济危机遭受亏损,无法履行合同的。 当事人一方由于抢险救灾,致使合同无法履行的。 Which of the following commands can be used to clean up a failed software installation process?()  installp -D。  installp -d。  installp -C。  installp -c。 Click the Exhibit button. What two must the programmer do to correct the compilation errors? () insert a call to this() in the Car constructor。 insert a call to this() in the MeGo constructor。 insert a call to super() in the MeGo constructor。 insert a call to super(vin) in the MeGo constructor。 change the wheelCount variable in Car to protected。 change line 3 in the MeGo class to super.wheelCount = 3。 小胡,男,大学一年级学生,他希望自己在班级中成为一个慷慨大方、乐于助人,比较受同学欢迎的人,进校几个月来,他一直都在朝这方面努力。有一天,小胡刚走到教室门口,突然听见有人在说起他的名字,他躲在门后仔细地听,原来,班级几个同学在议论他,有人说他小气、抠门,有人说他没有爱心。小胡一下子懵了,怎么会是这样,他很苦恼?小胡希望自己在班级中成为一个慷慨大方、乐于助人,比较受同学欢迎的人,这属于自我意识中的()。 现实自我。 理想自我。 投射自我。 心理自我。 A file on the system ahs been lost, but the latest version is on a mksysb tape. The file is extracted from this mksysb tape by loading the tape. Which of the following indicates where the tape will be skipped forward?()



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