

[单选,材料题] What kind of person is Tom supposed to be?

On what day of the week will the magazine arrive?

A . Warm-hearted but careless.
B . Curious and mischievous.
C . Helpful and tricky
D . Prudent but cautious.

What does the woman suggest Gordon do? He should start to find a new apartment right now.。 He should buy an apartment right away.。 He should start to find a new apartment in a few weeks.。 He should buy an apartment near the campus.。 What will the man probably do? Wait for the sale to start.。 Get further information about the sale.。 Call the TV station to be sure if the ad is true.。 Buy a new suit.。 What do we know about the company? It needs new employees badly.   。 It gives quick responses routinely.。 It is a newly established business.   。 It is very cautious in decision。makin9.。 How often is the bus scheduled t0pass their stop? Every ten minutes.。 At twenty to one.。 Every thirty minutes.。 Once a day.。 听音频,回答以下问题。What kind of weather is normal for March? Cold.。 Very hot.。 Cooler than that day.。 Drier than that day. 。 What kind of person is Tom supposed to be?



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