

[单选,材料题] What does the woman suggest Gordon do?

When do you think this conversation took place?

A . He should start to find a new apartment right now.
B . He should buy an apartment right away.
C . He should start to find a new apartment in a few weeks.
D . He should buy an apartment near the campus.

根据《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》(GB50500—2013),工程造价管理机构应当在受理投诉的(  )内完成复查,特殊情况下可适当延长,并作出书面结论通知投诉人、被投诉人及负责该工程招投标监督的招投标管理机构。 5d。 7d。 10d。 14d。 工程建设定额中所规定的各种劳动与物化劳动消耗量的多少,是由一定时期的社会生产水平所确定的,有一个相对的执行期,地区和部门定额一般在3~5年之问。国家定额在5~10年之间。这体现了工程建设定额的(  )特征。 时效性。 科学性。 统一性。 稳定性。 What will they buy for Dick? Some records.。 A toy suit.。 A space suit.。 A toy.。 What do we know about the company? It needs new employees badly.   。 It gives quick responses routinely.。 It is a newly established business.   。 It is very cautious in decision。makin9.。 点击开始播放听力音频mp3:您的浏览器不支持音频播放。回答{TSE}题:{TS}Where is this conversation probably taking place? In a post office.。 At an insurance agency.。 On an airplane.。 In a moving company.。 What does the woman suggest Gordon do?


M: Gordon needs to find another place to live.
W: What’s wrong?
M: The apartment he rents now has been sold to a new owner.
W: He’d better start looking right away. When all thestudents come back in a few weeks, he won’t findany near the campus.

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