

[单选] I tried very hard to persuade him to join our groups but I met with flat refusal.

A . disapproval
B . rejection
C . refusal
D . decline

To absorb a younger work force, many companies offered retirement plans as incentives for older workers to retire and make way for the younger ones who earned lower salaries. rewards。 opportunities。 motives。 stimulus。 He noticed that Joan was studying him closely, but her expression gave away nothing of what she was thinking. revealed。 disposed。 reminded。 distributed。 The forty years from the 1930s to the 1970s was an important period in the development of air transportation。 the earliest passenger flights were successfully operated。 to make travel easy and pleasant for the passengers。 to provide different services。 the shortage of qualified pilots。 traveling by air was very cheap。 The legislative provision has a great impact on the operations of the department. law。 passage。 revision。 clause。 She was one of the leading writers in her age. successful。 maior。 outstanding。 musical。 I tried very hard to persuade him to join our groups but I met with flat refusal.
参考答案: C


【解析】本题意为“我竭力劝他加入我们的团体,但遭到断然拒绝”refusal“拒绝”:disapproval“不同意,不赞成”;rejection“拒绝,抵制”;decline“婉言谢绝”。flat refusal系固定搭配.意为“断然拒绝”。

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