

[多选] 属于间接观察法的是()

A . 克服人类感官的局限性,使获得的感性材料更加全面、精确
B . 做到观察者的观察活动本身不影响被观察者的活动
C . 观察者缺乏身临其境的感觉,观察获得的资料欠生动、直观
D . 操作比直接观察法麻烦

立式空压机气缸的中心线与地平面的关系是()。 平行。 垂直。 倾斜。 In Hatch No.3 the cargo()bulk is peaked. in。 on。 with。 for。 If you were inspecting the valve springs on an auxiliary diesel engine, your best indication of impending spring failure would be () a glazed surface on the spring。 nicks in the protective coating。 a build up of sludge deposits。 cracks in the surface of the spring。 In any case the draught of the vessel at the()shall not be less than that which is necessary to obtain full immersion of the propeller. forward perpendicular。 amidships。 longitudinal center of floatation。 after perpendicular。 Which of the routine maintenance procedure listed is required for starting air receivers?() Frequent draining of accumulated moisture。 Frequent testing of relief valves。 A close watch on temperature to prevent fluctuations in pressure。 Frequent cleaning to re move oil and foreign matter。 属于间接观察法的是()



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