

[问答题] 简述何谓焦炉老化?

When the movement of engine is no longer required the pilot usually gives the order like this() . ["Stop engine","Nothing to port","Finish engines","Finished with engine"] 简述边缘海的可能形成机理。 郊区和农村:定向天线选用水平半功率波瓣宽度为(),垂直半功率波瓣宽度为()的天线,天线的增益在()之间。全向天线采用垂直半功率波瓣宽度为(),增益在()之间的天线。 在推动我国风险投资主体多元化上的正确做法是() ["鼓励有条件的大型企业设立风险投资部门","鼓励大型金融机构进入风险投资业","逐步减少政府资金在风险投资业所占比例","陆续出台鼓励天使投资的政策"] When a tug is pulling on a hawser at right angles to the ship,and the pilot wants to come ahead or astern on the ship’s engine,care must be taken that the pilot(). ["does not break the towline","does not get too much way on the vessel","keeps a steady course so the towline will remain tight","turns the ship toward the direction of pull"] 简述何谓焦炉老化?



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