


SOX is an alternative(1)for XML.It is useful for reading and creating XML content in a(2).editor.It is then easily transformed into proper XML.SOX was created because developers can spend a great deal oftime with raw XML.For many ofus,thepopular XML(3)have not reached a point where their tree views,tables and forms can completely substitute for the underlying(4)languagE.This is not surprising when one considers that developers still use a text view,albeit enhanced,for editing other languages such as Java)SOX uses(5)to represent the structure of an XML document,which eliminates the need for closing tags and a number of quoting devices.The result is surprisingly clear.


A . A.indenting
B . structure
C . framework
D . bracket

阅读以下关于Java企业级应用系统开发体系结构选择方面的叙述,在答题纸上回答问题1至问题3。 博学公司承担了某中小型企业应用软件开发任务,进度要求紧迫。为了按时完成任务,选择合适的企业应用系统开发体系结构非常重要。因此,首席架构师张博士召集了相关技术人员进行方案讨论,在进行方案论证时,项目组成员提出了两种开发思路。 (1)谢工建议采用J2EE和EJB进行开发。理由是J2EE定义了标准的应用开发体系结构和部署环境,EJB是J2EE的基础和核心。J2EE的主要目标是简化开发。 (2)王工建议采用Struts、Spring和Hibernate轻量级开源框架相结合的方式。理由是随着Java开源项目阵营的发展壮大,一些基于POJOs(PlanOldJavaObjects)的开源框架被广泛地引入到Java企业应用开发中来,与重量级的EJB框架相比,这些轻量级的框架有很多优点。 针对这两种思路,张博士仔细比较和分析了两种方案的特点、优点和不足之处。认为王工和谢工的建议都合理,但是,从结合当前项目实际情况出发,最后决定采用王工建议。 阅读以下关于数据库审计建设方面的叙述,回答问题1至问题3。 当前许多国家对数据库应用系统提出了明确的审计要求,要求数据库应用系统的DBA为财政、商业和卫生保健数据库保留审计跟踪信息,美国政府甚至要求保证长达7年的审计跟踪信息在线。 一般在数据库中只是插入审计跟踪信息。审计跟踪数据在正常操作期间(不管是OLTP还是数据仓库)从不获取,主要作为一种事后证据存放在磁盘上,占据一定甚至很大的磁盘空间,而且必须每个月或每年(或者间隔固定的一段时间)对其净化或归档。 当前的数据库审计功能主要采用了分区和段空间压缩技术。利用这些技术,数据库审计不仅是可以忍受的,而且很容易管理,并且将占用更少的空间。 按月对审计跟踪信息分区的方法是:在第一个业务月中,只是向分区表中插入审计信息,这个月结束后,向表中增加一个新的分区,以容纳下个月的审计信息并将上一个月的分区从可读写表空间移动到一个只读的表空间中。采用这种方式,就可以一个月备份一次该只读表空间。 阅读以下关于数据库审计建设方面的叙述,回答问题1至问题3。 当前许多国家对数据库应用系统提出了明确的审计要求,要求数据库应用系统的DBA为财政、商业和卫生保健数据库保留审计跟踪信息,美国政府甚至要求保证长达7年的审计跟踪信息在线。 一般在数据库中只是插入审计跟踪信息。审计跟踪数据在正常操作期间(不管是OLTP还是数据仓库)从不获取,主要作为一种事后证据存放在磁盘上,占据一定甚至很大的磁盘空间,而且必须每个月或每年(或者间隔固定的一段时间)对其净化或归档。 当前的数据库审计功能主要采用了分区和段空间压缩技术。利用这些技术,数据库审计不仅是可以忍受的,而且很容易管理,并且将占用更少的空间。 按月对审计跟踪信息分区的方法是:在第一个业务月中,只是向分区表中插入审计信息,这个月结束后,向表中增加一个新的分区,以容纳下个月的审计信息并将上一个月的分区从可读写表空间移动到一个只读的表空间中。采用这种方式,就可以一个月备份一次该只读表空间。 SOX is an alternative(1)for XML.It is useful for reading and creating XML content in a(2).editor.It is then easily transformed into proper XML.SOX was created because developers can spend a great deal oftime with raw XML.For many ofus,thepopular XML(3)have not reached a point where their tree views,tables and forms can completely substitute for the underlying(4)languagE.This is not surprising when one considers that developers still use a text view,albeit enhanced,for editing other languages such as Java)SOX uses(5)to represent the structure of an XML document,which eliminates the need for closing tags and a number of quoting devices.The result is surprisingly clear.空白(3)处应选择() A.texts。 editors。 creators。 tags。 SOX is an alternative(1)for XML.It is useful for reading and creating XML content in a(2).editor.It is then easily transformed into proper XML.SOX was created because developers can spend a great deal oftime with raw XML.For many ofus,thepopular XML(3)have not reached a point where their tree views,tables and forms can completely substitute for the underlying(4)languagE.This is not surprising when one considers that developers still use a text view,albeit enhanced,for editing other languages such as Java)SOX uses(5)to represent the structure of an XML document,which eliminates the need for closing tags and a number of quoting devices.The result is surprisingly clear.空白(2)处应选择() A.graphic。 program。 command。 text。

SOX is an alternative(1)for XML.It is useful for reading and creating XML content in a(2).editor.It is then easily transformed into proper XML.SOX was created because developers can spend a great deal oftime with raw XML.For many ofus,thepopular XML(3)have not reached a point where their tree views,tables and forms can completely substitute for the underlying(4)languagE.This is not surprising when one considers that developers still use a text view,albeit enhanced,for editing other languages such as Java)SOX uses(5)to represent the structure of an XML document,which eliminates the need for closing tags and a number of quoting devices.The result is surprisingly clear.





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