

[单选] Every new crude oil tanker of 20000 tons deadweight and above and every new product carrier of 30000 tons deadweight and above shall be()with segregated ballast tanks.

A . complied
B . provided
C . divided
D . supplied

Compared to four-stroke/cycle engines, two-stroke/cycle diesel engines have the disadvantage of () less even torque。 higher cylinder head temperatures。 fewer power strokes per revolution。 greater weight/size requirement。 N=8的均匀洗牌连接,其连接函数表示为()。 f(x2x1x0)=x2x1x0。 f(x2x1x0)=x0x1x2。 f(x2x1x0)=x1x0x2。 f(x2x1x0)=x0x2x1。 各行社收到电子汇兑业务后,应及时将资金记入确定的收款人账户,不得()。 故意拖延支付。 无故退汇。 截留资金。 挪用资金。 空压机用润滑油、对其高温条件下的热稳定性可不作要求。 环网柜如何实现防误操作闭锁? Every new crude oil tanker of 20000 tons deadweight and above and every new product carrier of 30000 tons deadweight and above shall be()with segregated ballast tanks.



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