

[单选] In (), hot diesel engine jacket water passes over the stack and heats the sea water passing through the tubes.

A . a flash generator
B . a flash evaporator
C . a vacuum boiling evaporator
D . a boiler

()是解决展商联络的关键之道. 经理直接联系。 多个联系人。 最高级领导直接联系。 主管联系。 核心产品是指银行产品提供给客户的()利益或效用。 主要。 基本。 特定。 全部。 各级机车调度之间的命令传递必须执行签认(复诵)制度。 船舶失火,两个人发现火情后,一人报告驾驶台,另一人应去呼叫其他船员,来共同灭火。 According to Gencon,if at any time during the currency of this Charter,both Owners and Charterers are unable to arrange bunkers at the main bunkering ports for the voyage in question,the()to have the privilege of canceling this Charter. Charterers。 Owners。 both Charterers and Owners。 neither Charterers nor Owner。 In (), hot diesel engine jacket water passes over the stack and heats the sea water passing through the tubes.



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