

[填空题] 我国先秦时期集大成的思想家是()。

先秦作家中大量引用寓言故事说明事理的是()。 The C02 flooding system is actuated by a sequence of steps which are(). ["break glass,pull valve,break glass,pull cylinder control","sound evacuation alarm,pull handle","open bypass valve,break glass,pull handle","open stop valve,open control valve,trip alarm"] ()是教练员临场组织力量指挥比赛的具体措施之一。 ["暂停","换人","制定战术","中场休息"] 在收益率一标准差构成的坐标中,夏普比率就是()。 ["在收益率一标准差构成的坐标图中连接证券组合与无风险资产的直线的斜率","在收益率一β值构成的坐标图中连接证券组合与无风险资产的直线的斜率","证券组合所获得的高于市场的那部分风险溢价","在收益率一标准差构成的坐标图中连接证券组合与最优风险证券组合的直线的斜率"] The bypass valve on a self-contained breathing device should be opened if(). ["you are entering a space containing poisonous vapors","you are entering a space containing explosive gases","the regulator of the breathing apparatus malfunctions","the face piece of the breathing device is too tight"] 我国先秦时期集大成的思想家是()。



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