

[单选] 电流互感器在运行中必须使()。

A . 铁芯及二次线圈牢固接地
B . 铁心两点接地
C . 二次线圈不接地

防噪音类 You have a login-path named "adamlocal" that was created by using the mysql_config_editor command. You need to check what is defined for this login_path to ensure that it is correct for you deployment. You execute this command: $mysql_config_editor print –login-path=adamlocal What is the expected output of this command?() The command prints all parameter for the login-path. The password is replaced with stars。 The command prints the encrypted entry for the login-path. The is only possible to see if an entry exists。 The command prints all parameters for the login-path. The password is shown only when you provide the –password option。 The command prints all parameters for the login-path. The password is printed in plain tex。 加密密钥位长的最低要求是() 40位。 56位。 128位。 256位。 Which two files in the database can be configured for automatic backups by using the autobackupfeature in Recovery Manager (RMAN)() data files。 control files。 parameter file。 online redo log files。 server parameter file。 油井正常生产时所测得的油层中部的压力称为() 流动压力。 饱和压力。 采油压差。 电流互感器在运行中必须使()。



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