

[单选] If a towing vessel and her tow are severely restricted in their ability to change course,they may show lights in addition to their towing identification lights. These additional lights may be shown if the tow is().

A . pushed ahead
B . towed alongside
C . towed astern
D . Any of the above

抑素是细胞释放的、能抑制细胞分裂的物质,主要作用于细胞周期G2期。研究发现,皮肤破损后,抑素释放量减少,细胞分裂加快。伤口愈合时,抑素释放量增加,细胞分裂又受抑制。由此可推断() 抑素对细胞分裂的抑制作用是可逆的。 皮肤细胞培养时,加入一定量的抑素有利于细胞分裂。 抑素能抑制皮肤细胞G2期的活动,使其细胞周期缩短。 抑素能抑制DNA复制所需蛋白质的合成,阻断细胞分裂。 抑素能为细胞分裂提供能量。 秦始皇“焚书坑儒”的历史背景和原因是()。 秦朝完成大一统的格局。 废分封,行郡县。 百家争鸣的局面阻碍了秦朝对六国在思想上的统一。 当时一些方士、儒生借古代圣贤的言论批评时政。 "Cast iron has poor corrosion resistance to sea water, especially in the presence of bronzes" Implies(). east iron is a cheap material。 cast iron can pollute sea water。 cast iron has mere corrosive than bronzes to sea water。 cast iron is more corrosive to sea water when it meets with bronze。 在检修空分设备进行动火焊接时应注意什么问题? 下列哪些特种设备的设计文件,应当经国务院特种设备安全监督管理部门核准的检验检测机构鉴定,方可用于制造() 锅炉。 压力管道。 客运索道。 大型游乐设施。 If a towing vessel and her tow are severely restricted in their ability to change course,they may show lights in addition to their towing identification lights. These additional lights may be shown if the tow is().



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