


You want to take a complete database backup using RMAN. The backup should consist only the used blocks from your database.
Which two statements are true about this backup operation? ()(Choose two.)

A . Backup compression should be enabled
B . Parallelism for the channel should be set to 2
C . All the files must be backed up as backup sets
D . The backup may be stored either on disk or on media with media manager

污水处理中常见的后生动物都有哪些?举例说明它们的形态特征。 监理合同中的监理人是指受委托人委托,提供监理服务的法人或其合法继承人。 某公司新建一职工宿舍,合同工期16月,工程合同价2000万人民币,原则上资金应到位()后方能领取施工许可证。 500万。 600万。 1200万。 1500万。 Domino applications can be accessed using numerous methods, including:() Web services。 Lotus Notes。 Web browsers。 All of the above。 师某,男性,65岁。腰麻下行前列腺切除术后12h,烦躁不安,生命体征平稳。查体见:下腹胀隆,叩诊呈浊音,首先考虑() 急性内出血。 急性胃扩张。 肠梗阻。 急性腹膜炎。 尿潴留。

You want to take a complete database backup using RMAN. The backup should consist only the used blocks from your database.
Which two statements are true about this backup operation? ()(Choose two.)




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