

[单选] 个人专栏一般由专栏作家个人经营,便于形成个人风格,形成个人的()。

A . 权威性
B . 影响力
C . 文体特点
D . 思想观点

A vessel has been equipped with an oil lubricated stern bearing and is undergoing a routine dry-dock.Which of the following inspection should be made when the tail-shaft has been drawn?() The overall condition of the bearing surface should be examined。 The shaft liner should be inspected for cracks and tested to insure a tight fit。 The stern tube should be tested for cracks with dye penetrant。 all of above。 A power-driven vessel,when towing astern,shall show(). two towing lights in a vertical line。 a towing light in a vertical line above the sternlight。 two towing lights in addition to the sternlight。 a small white light in lieu of the sternlight。 GTR的应用特点和选择方法是什么? 按照我国现行法律,以下哪种广告不得在大众传播媒体上发布() 处方药。 医疗。 保健食品。 房地产。 GTO有哪些主要参数?其中哪些参数与普通晶闸管相同?哪些不同? 个人专栏一般由专栏作家个人经营,便于形成个人风格,形成个人的()。



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