

[单选] She likes to visit exotic islands.

A . disrant
B . interesting
C . remote
D . backwards

According to the author,which of the following most interested the researchers? The mice that started dieting in old age.。 27 of those 46 0ld genes that continued to behave like young genes.。 Calorie restriction that works in people.。 Dieting that makes sure a drug is effective. 。 What can he inferred about completely normally fed mice mentioned in the passage? They will not experience free radical production.。 They will experience more genetic rejuvenation in their lifetime.。 They have more old liver genes to behave like young genes.。 They are more likely to suffer from inflammation. 。 请在第____处填上正确答案。 reactive   。 preferable   。 due。 equivalent。 请在第____处填上正确答案。 conduct   。 produce   。 use。 consume。 She likes to visit exotic islands.



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