

[单选,材料题] What will they buy for Dick?


When do you think this conversation took place?

A . Some records.
B . A toy suit.
C . A space suit.
D . A toy.

What will the man probably do? Wait for the sale to start.。 Get further information about the sale.。 Call the TV station to be sure if the ad is true.。 Buy a new suit. 。 should。 would。 could。 must。 根据材料,回答{TSE}题:        In Britain, people have different attitudes to the police. Most people generally ______26______themand the job they do-although there are certain people who do not believe that the police______ 27______have the power that do.        What does a policeman actually do? It is not______28______job to describe. After all, a policeman hasa number of jobs in ______ 29______ . In Britain, he might be in the Traffic Police and ______ 30 ______most of histime______ 31 ______up and down main roads and motorways. A traffic policeman has to keep the traffic ______32______and help when there is an accident. A policeman has to help keep the ______ 33______ , too. If there is a fight or some other disturbance,we ______ 34 ______the police to come and restore order. And they often have to ______ 35 ______situation at greatrisk to their own ______ 36______.        We expect the police to solve crimes, of course, so an ordinary policeman,______ 37 ______ he is not a detective, will often have to help ______ 38 ______and arrest criminals.And ______ 39 ______ do we call when there is an emergency-an air crash, a ______ 40 ______ , a road accident,or a robbery? We call the police.41a policeman has to be42to face any unpleasant e-mergency that may happen in the ______ 43 ______world.        The police do an absolutely necessary job, they do it ______ 44 ______ well and I support them, but I do not envy policemen, I do not think that I could ______ 45 ______do the job of a policeman.{TS} dislike。 join。 appreciate。 admire。 According to scientists, people sneeze because________ they are ill。 to sneeze is human nature。 they do not need any conscious help。 there are unwanted things in their noses。 When a person sneezes, we say" God bless you" because __________ it’s a tradition。 the person is possessed of an evil spirit。 the person is ill。 God will bless those who sneeze。 What will they buy for Dick?




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