

[单选] What is the minimum recommended amount of memory that can be assigned to a new VIO server?()

A . 128MB
B . 256MB
C . 512MB
D . 1GB

A work order has been created to perform corrective maintenance on a defective generator. All required information has been provided in the work order, but required materials are not in stock and  have to be ordered.  What is the status of the work order, after a maintenance manager has approved the work order? ()  Approved (APPR)。  Waiting on Materials (WMATL)。  Waiting to be Scheduled (WSCH)。  Waiting on Plant Condition (WPCOND)。 成本的控制方法 Which of the following provide for higher system availability on a single CEC Power 770 or Power 780?() Redundant system clock。 Redundant service processor。 POWER7 cores include redundant L3 caches。 Main memory DIMMs contain an extra DRAM chip for improved redundancy。 Review the definition of the phone_list view. CHEATE OR REPLACE ALGORITHM=MERGE DEFINER= 'root'@localhost' SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW 'phone_list' AS SELECT e . id as id 'e . first_name AS 'first_name' 'e . last_name AS 'last_name' 'coalesce ( ph1.phone_no, ' – ') AS 'office_no' 'coalesce (ph2 .phone_no, ' – ') AS 'cell_no' FROM employees e LEFT JOIN employee_phone ph1 ON ph1.emp_id = e.id AND ph1.type = 'office' LEFT JOIN employee_phone ph2 ON ph2 .emp_id = e.id AND ph2 .type = 'mobile' The tables employees and employee_phone are InnoDB tables; all columns are used in this view. The contents of the phone_list view are as follows: Mysql> select * from phone_list; 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Which method can you use to change the cell_no value to '555-8888' for John Doe?() INSERT INTO employee_phone (emp_id, phone_no, type) VALUES (1, '555-8888','mobile')。 UPDATE phone_list SET cell_name '555-8888' WHERE first_name= 'John' and last_name= 'Doe'。 DELETE FROM phone_list WHERE first_name= 'John' and last_name= 'Doe'; INSERT INTO phone_list (first_name, last_name, office_no, cell_no) VALUES ('John' , 'Doe' , 'x1234' , '555-8888)。 UPDATE employee_phone SET phone_no= '555-8888' where emp_id=1。 史称美国内战是美国历史上的第二次资产阶级革命,主要是由于()。 政府通过了《宅地法》。 维护了国家的统一。 废除了奴隶制。 使”西进运动”得以继续进行。 What is the minimum recommended amount of memory that can be assigned to a new VIO server?()



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