

[单选] L-O-R三通带压施焊时,焊条应选用()

A . 酸性焊条
B . 碱性焊条
C . 合金焊条
D . 铸铁焊条

You want to use TCPMON between the two WS-Provisioning Service instances. How do you configure the endpoint of the partner WS-Provisioning service (i.e., the destination of step 3) so that TCPMON can be used?() modify the ITFIMClientIDI.properties file。 modify the ITFIMClientScript.constants file。 use the IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Console to modify a custom runtime parameter。 use the WebSphere Application Server Administration Console to modify the WS-Provisioning application propertie。 不论采用什么方法评估在建工程,其基本前提条件是()。 项目仍然在建设中。 建成后的项目有效益性。 预计项目能够建成。 建成后能够形成生产能力。 An administrator is attempting to recover afilesystem that fails to manually unmount. The fsck command produces the following output: The current volume is: /dev/fslv02 File system is currently mounted. Invalid file system size in the primary superblock. Invalid file system size in the secondary superblock. Primary superblock is corrupt. Secondary superblock is corrupt. fsck: Cannot continue tried to mount Which steps will resolve the problem?() Reboot the server into maintenance mode and run 'fsck' with the '-p' parameter while the filesystem is mounted。 Reboot the server into maintenance mode and run 'fsck' with the '-y' parameter whilethe filesystem is unmounted。 Force a umount of the filesystem with 'umount -F /dev/fslv02', and then run 'fsck p /dev/fslv02' while the file system is unmounted。 Force a umount of the filesystem by varying off the hosting volume group and then varyon the volume group. This will permit 'fsck -y' to be run against the failing filesystem。 During initial cluster planning session, a requirement is mandated that application monitoring will  Be used to monitor the production database and three application servers. Since all the application servers rely on the database being active, only one resource group has been planned to manage the starting/stopping of the cluster resources.  How ill the initial design impact the use of application monitoring?()    Only one application server per resource group can be monitored.。  Process monitoring is part of RSCT and requires no special scripts.。  Any application can be monitored as long as it has an application server.。  Having all application servers in one resource group improves recovery time.。 治疗青光眼首选药为()。 L-O-R三通带压施焊时,焊条应选用()



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