

[单选] 载运危险货物船舶的船员,应当持有()颁发的适任证书的培训合格证,熟悉所在船舶载运危险货物安全知识和操作规程.



[判断题] 船员居住舱着火,应立即打开门窗,用水龙往内灌水,以防火势蔓延.



[单选] 在迫不得已的情况下跳水,应选择的跳水部位是()。



[单选] A fully loaded motor-propelled lifeboat must be capable of attaining a speed of at least().

3 knots in smooth water。6 knots in smooth water。3 knots in rough water。6 knots in rough water。


[单选] A lifeboat is weight tested by lowering to near the waterand loading to capacity with weight evenly distributed. Itis then lowered into the water and released. This test mustbe done at least once every().

6 months。12 months。18 months。24 month。


[单选] A self-righting survival craft will return to an upright position provided that all personnel().

are seated with seat belts on and doors shut。are seated with seat belts on and doors open。are to shift to one side to right it。escape from the craft。


[单选] According to the Code of Federal Regulations,on vessels other than river ferryboats and river vessels,how are periodic lifeboat weight tests required to be conducted?()

The lifeboat is lowered to near the water,loaded with the allowed capacity,lowered into the water until afloat,then released from the falls。The lifeboat is loaded with the allowed capacity,lowered into the water until afloat,then released from the falls。The lifeboat is lowered into the water until afloat,loaded with the allowed capacity,then released from the falls。The lifeboat is lowered to near the water,loaded with the allowed capacity,then released from the fall。


[单选] After conducting an abandonment drill,the Master or person in charge of a ship shall log().

the names of crew members who participated in the drill。the length of time that each motor propelled lifeboat was operated in the drill。the length of time the lifeboat was in the water。the time it took to lower the boat。


[单选] All inflatable liferafts have().

safety straps from the overhead。built in seats。releasing hooks at each end。water stabilizing pocket。


[单选] Aluminum lifeboats are subject to damage by electrolytic corrosion (the aluminum being eaten away). In working around boats of aluminum you must be very careful().

to keep the boats covered at all times。not to leave steel or iron tools lying in or near these boats。to keep an electric charge on the hull at all times。to rinse these boats regularly with salt water。