

[多选] Which two are true?()

A . A finalizer may NOT be invoked explicitly.
B . The finalize method declared in class Object takes no action.
C . super.finalize()is called implicitly by any over riding finalize method.
D . The finalize method for a given objec twill be called no more than once by the garbage collector.
E . The order in which finalize will be called on two objects is based on the order in which the two objects became finalizable.

按照光纤芯部的折射率可分为()光纤两种。 阶跃型。 跳跃型。 突变型。 渐变型。 阶跃型。 变化型。 下列药物中,以质子泵抑制剂类抑酸剂而实施消化性溃疡治疗的药物是() 雷尼替丁。 奥美拉唑。 曲美布汀。 醋氨己酸锌。 索前列醇。 公司价值 学前儿童对于自身的言行缺乏评价能力,习惯于从周围人的评价中来认识自己的行为。所以,我们所设计的幼儿园环境应该是() 《煤矿安全规程》规定,井下巷道中不得有连续长度达到5m、厚度超过()mm的煤尘堆积。 0.5。 1。 2。 3。 Which two are true?()



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