

[单选] A customer would like to convert their existing IBM System Storage DS8100 to a DS8700 to gain more capacity. During the TDA review the impact on the running production environment during conversion is discussed. Which of the following must be considered?()

A . DS8000 model conversions are generally non-disruptive
B . a model conversion from DS8100 to DS8700 is disruptive
C . the DS8100 base frame needs to be sent back to the factory for upgrade
D . during model conversion the logical configuration can be kept, but the system must be rebooted

患者,女性,35岁,因车祸腹部撞伤6h,就诊时血压75/60mmHg,脉搏100/min,烦躁不安,皮肤粘膜发绀,多处出现瘀点和瘀斑,四肢湿冷,腹穿有不凝固的血液抽出。患者皮肤粘膜出现瘀斑的原因是() 酸中毒。 小血管痉挛。 小血管过度扩张。 弥散性血管内凝血(DIC.。 急性心功能衰竭。 金融机构应当不定期对交易监测标准进行评估,并根据评估结果完善交易监测标准。 A client has a SAP production database with 10 TB of usable storage on a DS4700. The growthrate of the data is 50% per year. The majority of the data rapidly becomes reference data and isnot frequently accessed. The customer would like to implement a solution that would migrate thereference data to a less expensive disk. Which of the following would be the most cost effectivesolution?()  N3400 Express with SnapVault 。  DS5020 using SATA drives and TSM with HSM 。  DS5300 with Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Data 。  DS8700 with Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Replicatio。 If you are going to run a TSPITR recovery, which view will help you to determine which objects will be lost during the TSPITR?()  TS_OBJECTS_TO_BE_DROPPED。  TS_PTTR_OBJECT_DROPPED。  TS_PITR_OBJECTS_TO_BE_DROPPED。  TS_OBJECTS_DROPPED。  TS_DROPPED_OBJECTS。 应用透析方法不能从人体内清除的药品是() 庆大霉素。 苯巴比妥。 头孢唑林。 万古霉素。 甲基多巴。 A customer would like to convert their existing IBM System Storage DS8100 to a DS8700 to gain more capacity. During the TDA review the impact on the running production environment during conversion is discussed. Which of the following must be considered?()



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