


You have a request to put together IBM System x and blade servers attached to IBM DS4000 Storage: all in a rack. Your customer is also requesting services. 
What IBM resource will help you put these different products together?()

A . IBM System x and BladeCenter Business Partner Guidebook
B . IBM Sizing Guides
C . IBM Configuration & Options Guide (COG)
D . IBM Standalone Solutions Configuration Tool (SSCT)

You issued the following statement:   SQL>ALTER DATABASE ENABLE RESUMABLE TIMEOUT n;   What will be the result of issuing the above statement?() The command will not execute successfully because TIMEOUT is an invalid clause with the ALTER DATABASE ENABLE RESUMABLE command.。  The command will not execute successfully because resumable space allocation is enabled at the session level.。  The command will execute successfully and resumable space will be allocated at the session level.。  The command will execute successfully and resumable space will be allocated at the instance level.。 属于直接投资的经济行为有()。 以现金投入到被投资企业。 以实物资产投入到被投资企业。 购买被投资企业的股票。 购买被投资企业的债券。 以专有技术投入到被投资企业。 Examine the description of the EMPLOYEES table: EMP_ID NUMBER(4) NOT NULL LAST_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2(30) DEPT_ID NUMBER(2) JOB_CAT VARCHARD2(30) SALARY NUMBER(8,2) Which statement shows the maximum salary paid in each job category of each department? () SELECT dept_id, job_cat, MAX(salary) FROM employees WHERE salary > MAX (salary);。 SELECT dept_id, job_cat, MAX(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY dept_id,job_cat;。 SELECT dept_id, job_cat, MAX(salary) FROM employees;。 SELECT dept_id, job_cat, MAX(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY dept_id;。 SELECT dept_id, job_cat, MAX(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY dept _ id job _ cat salary。 User SCOTT executes the following command on the EMP table but has not issued COMMIT, ROLLBACK, or any data definition language (DDL) command: SQL> SELECT ename FROM emp  2 WHERE job=’CLERK’ FOR UPDATE OF empno;  SCOTT has opened another session to work with the database instance.  Which three operations wouldwait when issued in SCOTT’s second session() LOCK TABLE emp IN SHARE MODE;。 LOCK TABLE emp IN EXCLUSIVE MODE;。 UPDATE emp SET sal=sal*1.2 WHERE job=MANAGER;。 INSERT INTO emp(empno,ename) VALUES (1289,’Harry’);。 SELECT ename FROM emp WHERE job=’CLERK’ FOR UPDATE OF empno;。 最小因子定律

You have a request to put together IBM System x and blade servers attached to IBM DS4000 Storage: all in a rack. Your customer is also requesting services. 
What IBM resource will help you put these different products together?()




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