

[单选] Course directed by the OSC or CSS to be steered at the beginning of a search is().

A . Original course
B . Initial course
C . Final course
D . Designated course

什么是水炒?举例说明菜肴特点。 某村旁一工厂污染了村里的河流,使灌溉的庄稼毁损一片,则村民可以要求工厂履行的行为中不包括()。 排除危害。 赔偿损失。 恢复原状。 给村民每家盖一套楼房。 DKJ-2000调车监控记录系统符合铁路信号产品KX3等级要求。 DKJ-2000调车监控记录系统能有效的防止调车机车越过阻挡信号机所造成的挤岔事故、超速行驶造成的冲突事故和脱轨事故。 The commander of a rescue unit designated to co-ordinate search and rescue operations within a specified area is the(). General commander。 Commander general。 Search commander。 On-scene commander。 Course directed by the OSC or CSS to be steered at the beginning of a search is().



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