

[单选] 许某,男性,55岁,脊柱结核手术后卧床2周,出现右小腿疼痛、有紧束感,并逐渐出现水肿。该患者出现的术后并发症是()

A . 肌肉萎缩
B . 水电解质紊乱
C . 关节炎
D . 切口感染
E . 下肢深静脉血栓形成

简述教师专业能力的要点。 Examine the following ALTER command: SQL> ALTER DISKGROUP dgroup1 UNDROP DISKS; What is the purpose of the command?() It cancels all pending disk drops within the disk group。 It restores disks that are being dropped as the result of a DROP DISKGROUP operation。 It mounts disks in the disk group for which the drop-disk operation has already been completed。 It restores all the dropped disks in the disk group for which the drop-disk operation has already been completed。 It adds previously dropped disks back into the disk grou。 调动教职工工作积极性的关键是()。 加强对教职工的纪律管理。 实行物质奖励政策。 为教职工创造专业发展的机会。 加强思想政治教育,提高教职工的觉悟。 What is the use of work assets on safety plans? ()  The work asset determines to which assets and locations a safety plan can be applied.。  Only safety plans with associated work assets can be used in combination with job plans.  。  The safety plan can only be applied to work orders with the same asset or location associated.。  The work assets combined with the work on a job plan dictate which safety information is required.。 可以导致胆固醇增高的药物是() 氟伐他汀。 氯氮平。 非诺贝特。 二甲双胍。 吗啡。 许某,男性,55岁,脊柱结核手术后卧床2周,出现右小腿疼痛、有紧束感,并逐渐出现水肿。该患者出现的术后并发症是()



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