

[单选] A damaged T-Boat that is unable to meet the requirementsof its Certificate of Inspection but is able to travel to a shipyard under its own power should().

A . make the trip only after obtaining a Permit to Proceed to Another Port for Repair,Form CG-948
B . get underway as soon as possible
C . hire a tug and pilot instead
D . request an Expiration Certificate if the vessel displays a tendency to sink

热水供应系统中除安装与冷水系统相同的附件外,尚需加设哪些附件? 按专业分训是部队常用的组训形式。 爬模体系安装工作流程如何? 零售商促销行为管理办法所称的零售商是指依法在工商行政管理部门登记注册,直接向消费者销售商品的企业及其分支机构、个体工商户。() 爬模的构造组成如何? A damaged T-Boat that is unable to meet the requirementsof its Certificate of Inspection but is able to travel to a shipyard under its own power should().



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