网络财务应用的级别是() ["项目级","企业级","职能级","作业级"]
Which of the following are true regarding bridges and switches?() [" Bridges are faster than switches because they have fewer ports."," A switch is a multiport bridge."," Bridges and switches learn MAC addresses by examining the source MAC address of each frame received."," A bridge will forward a broadcast but a switch will not."," Bridges and switches increase the size of a collision domain."]
D级洁净区空气悬浮粒子只作静态监测,其监测标准为() ["≥0.5μm,352000","≥0.5μm,3520000","≥5.0μm,2900","≥5.0μm,29000"]
有关波长转换器的说法不正确的是() ["TWC是把符合G.975标准的光信号转换为符合G.692标准的光信号","TWF是把符合G.691标准的光信号转换为符合标准的光信号","TWC和RWC都具有B1检测的功能","TWF具有再生、整形和定时的功能"]