

[填空题] 海水的特性是由()共同决定。

The projection on a shaft designed to change circular motion into up and down or back and fore motion is called (). ["wheel","crankshaft","running gear","cam"] A position that is obtained by using two or more intersecting lines of position taken at nearly the same time,is a(n) (). ["fix","running fix","estimated position","dead-reckoning positio"] 招商银行循环机可以受理的业务包括()。 ["异地一卡通人民币存现","美元活期存现","人民币整存整取开户","通知存款存入","他行卡片存现","两地一卡通人民币取现"] A position that is obtained by applying estimated current and wind to your vessel’s course and speed is a(n) (). ["estimated position","dead reckoning position","fix","None of the above"] 太阳进入海洋被吸收的原因是()、()、和()。 海水的特性是由()共同决定。



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