

[单选] 作用管压力空气停止(),作用阀呈保压位,机车制动保压。

A . 排出
B . 减压
C . 压缩
D . 增压

An administrator analyzes a poorly performing system and suspects that the issue is related to CPU resource. Upon reviewing output of vmstat, the administrator is concerned with the values in the ‘pc’ and ‘ec’ columns. Which definition describes these two headings?() 'pc' refers to the number of physical processors consumed, while 'ec' refers to the percentage of entitled capacity consumed.。 'pc' refers to the 'physical CPUs' and lists how many are left un-allocated, while ec' refers to the 'entitled CPUs' and lists what amount is currently allocated to the LPAR.。 'pc' refers to the 'processor count' and reflects how many CPUs are allocated to the LPAR, while 'ec ' refers to the 'extra capacity' and lists how much above the LPAR entitlement is being consumed.。 'pc' refers to 'processor cards' and reflects how many MCM modules are actually being used by this LPAR, while 'ec' refers to the 'entitled CPUs'and lists what amount is currently allocated to the LPAR.。 试述美国次贷危机的原因、影响与启示。 文化的构成包括()。 符号。 价值观。 社会规范。 物质文化。 根据我国《消费者权益保护法》的规定,经营者对行政处罚决定不服,可以向上一级机关申请复议,其复议期间应该为() 自收到处罚决定之日起15日内。 自收到处罚决定之日起30日内。 自收到处罚决定之日起60日内。 自收到处罚决定之日起90日内。 对比磁盘,磁带有哪些优势:() 每GB成本略微低一些。 能够保存相当数量的数据。 拥有更轻便的介质。 以上所有。 以上均不对。 作用管压力空气停止(),作用阀呈保压位,机车制动保压。



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