

[问答题,简答题] 什么是“虚拟人”?

王某为首组织了一个犯罪组织,该组织拥有上百名成员,并配有枪支、刀棍等凶器,其活动主要内容就是代为索讨高利贷,并从中提成。在索讨高利贷的过程中,因有些债务人无法归还债务,王某等即对其进行殴打,造成多名债务人终身残废。王某的行为构成() ["组织、领导黑社会性质组织罪","故意伤害罪","组织、领导黑社会组织罪和故意伤害罪","聚众斗殴罪"] 什么是代理服务器技术? 道教的创始人有 ["A、张陵","B、张峰","C、张角","D、老子","E、王重阳"] 甲企业采用应收账款余额百分比法计提坏账准备,计提比例为0.5%。2007年末坏账准备科目为贷方余额7000元。2008年甲企业应收账款及坏账损失发生情况如下; (1)1月20日,收回上年已转销的坏账损失20000元。 (2)6月4日,获悉应收乙企业的账款45000元,由于该企业破产无法收回,确认坏账损失。 (3)2008年12月31日,甲企业应收账款余额为1200000万元。 要求:编制上述有关坏账准备的会计分录。 Questions from 36 to 40 are based on the following passage: ["Questions from 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:","  Against this background, the WTO faces several daunting challenges. The first is to continue bringing down tariffs on traded goods. Average penalties have fallen steadily since the GATT’s formation but even the most open economies retain lofty barriers: for instance, America still charges a tariff of 14.6% on import of clothing, five times higher than its average levy.","  Resistance to tariff cuts is strongest in agriculture. According to Tim Josling, a trade expert at Stanford University, tariffs and other barriers on farm goods average a crippling 40% worldwide and create distortions that “destroy huge amounts of value”. A new set of global farm talk is planned to start in 1999. At the least, you might think, these could lock in impressive reforms in Latin America and encourage further watering-down of the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy. But they will prove difficult: squabbles over agriculture almost sank the Uruguay round."] 什么是“虚拟人”?



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