


A transport layer protocol has several responsibilities, One is to create a process-to-process (program-to-program) communication; TCP uses port (1) to accomplish this. Another responsibility of a transport layer protocol is to create a  (2) and error-control mechanism at the transport level. TCP uses a sliding (3) protocol to achieve flow control. It uses the acknowledgment packet, time-out, and retransmission to achieve  (4) control. The transport layer is also responsible for providing a connection mechanism for the application program. The application program sends  (5) of data to the transport layer. It is the responsibility of the transport layer at the sending station to make a connection with the receiver.


A . A.ports
B . streams
C . packets
D . cells

论网络管理中的灾难备份和容灾技术 由于技术不断的发展和人们对灾难、意外事故的认识越来越深刻。灾难备份和容灾技术方案的可选择性也越来越多。作为信息中心和网络中心的设计人员需要结合自身的条件而采取合适的灾难备份和容灾技术。 请围绕"网络管理中的灾难备份和容灾技术"论题,依次从以下三个方面进行论述。 (1)概要叙述你参与分析和设计的灾难备份方案、采用的容灾技术以及你所担任的主要工作。 (2)深入地讨论在项目中选择灾难备份方案、采用的容灾技术的原则。 (3)详细论述所选择的灾难备份方案、采用的容灾技术,并对之进行详细的评论。 论网络系统的安全设计 网络的安全性及其实施方法是网络规划中的关键任务之一,为了保障网络的安全性和信息的安全性,各种网络安全技术和安全产品得到了广泛使用。 请围绕"网络系统的安全设计"论题,依次对以下三个方面进行论述。 (1)简述你参与设计的网络安全系统以及你所担任的主要工作。 (2)详细论述你采用的保障网络安全和信息安全的技术和方法,并着重说明你所采用的软件、硬件安全产品以及管理措施的综合解决方案。 (3)分析和评估你所采用的网络安全措施的效果及其特色,以及相关的改进措施。  阅读以下关于某企业内部网络系统的叙述,回答问题1、问题2和问题3。 某企业网络拓扑结构如图3-1所示。根据企业要求实现负载均衡和冗余备份,构建无阻塞高性能网络的建设原则。该企业网络采用两台S7606万兆骨干路由交换机作为双核心,部门交换机S2924G通过光纤分别与两台核心交换机相连,通过防火墙和边界路由器与Internet相连。S7606之间相连的端口均为Trunk端口,S7606与S2924G之间相连的端口也均为Trunk端口。 部分PC机IP信息及所属VLAN如表3-1所示。 A transport layer protocol has several responsibilities, One is to create a process-to-process (program-to-program) communication; TCP uses port (1) to accomplish this. Another responsibility of a transport layer protocol is to create a  (2) and error-control mechanism at the transport level. TCP uses a sliding (3) protocol to achieve flow control. It uses the acknowledgment packet, time-out, and retransmission to achieve  (4) control. The transport layer is also responsible for providing a connection mechanism for the application program. The application program sends  (5) of data to the transport layer. It is the responsibility of the transport layer at the sending station to make a connection with the receiver.空白(3)处应选择() A.path。 window。 frame。 diagram。 A transport layer protocol has several responsibilities, One is to create a process-to-process (program-to-program) communication; TCP uses port (1) to accomplish this. Another responsibility of a transport layer protocol is to create a  (2) and error-control mechanism at the transport level. TCP uses a sliding (3) protocol to achieve flow control. It uses the acknowledgment packet, time-out, and retransmission to achieve  (4) control. The transport layer is also responsible for providing a connection mechanism for the application program. The application program sends  (5) of data to the transport layer. It is the responsibility of the transport layer at the sending station to make a connection with the receiver.空白(2)处应选择() A.procedure。 function。 route。 flow。

A transport layer protocol has several responsibilities, One is to create a process-to-process (program-to-program) communication; TCP uses port (1) to accomplish this. Another responsibility of a transport layer protocol is to create a  (2) and error-control mechanism at the transport level. TCP uses a sliding (3) protocol to achieve flow control. It uses the acknowledgment packet, time-out, and retransmission to achieve  (4) control. The transport layer is also responsible for providing a connection mechanism for the application program. The application program sends  (5) of data to the transport layer. It is the responsibility of the transport layer at the sending station to make a connection with the receiver.





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