

[问答题] “社会主义的目标是社会的发展。”这一观点是否正确?为什么?

某方案的净现值大于零,则该方案的内部收益率() ["小于行业基准收益率","大于贷款利率","大于行业基准收益率","小于偿债备付率"] As Christmas is coming, there are presents to be bought, cards to be sent, and rooms to be cleaned. Parents are ___1___ with difficult jobs of hiding presents from curious young children. If the gifts are large, this is sometimes a real ___2___. On Christmas Eve, young children find the excitement almost unbearable. They are torn between the wish to go to bed early so that Father Christmas will bring their presents quickly and the wish to stay up late so that they will not miss the fun. The wish for gifts usually proves stronger. But though children go to bed early, they often lie awake for a long time, hoping to get a short ___3___ at Father Christmas. Last Christmas, my wife and I successfully hid a few large presents in the storeroom. I ___4___ the moment when my son, Jimmy, would ask me where that new bike had come from, but ___5___ he did not see it. On Christmas Eve, it took the children hours to go to sleep. It must have been nearly ___6___ when my wife and I went quietly into their room and began filling stockings. Then I pushed in the ___7___ I bought for Jimmy and left it beside the Christmas tree. We knew we would not get much sleep that night, for the children were ___8___ to get up early. At about five o’clock the next morning, we were woken by loud sounds coming from the children’s room — they were shouting excitedly! Before I had time to get out of bed, young Jimmy came riding into the room on his new bike, and his sister, Mary, followed close behind pushing her new baby carriage. Even the baby arrived. He moved ___9___ the hands and knees into the room dragging a large balloon behind him. Suddenly it burst. That woke us up ___10___. The day had really begun with a band! ___1___内应选() ["bike","midnight","fortunately","look","problem","faced","sure","on","feared","tiny","completely","lick"] 在公安机关申请对拒不缴纳罚款的赵某强制执行的过程中,原行政处罚决定被法院判决撤销,该公安分局应当()。 ["中止执行","终结执行","不再执行","撤销强制执行决定"] 人际关系功能有()。 ["产生合作力","形成互补","联络感情","交流信息"] 如何理解人的解放? “社会主义的目标是社会的发展。”这一观点是否正确?为什么?




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