

[名词解释] CASE

任何按绝对值比较原理工作的阻抗继电器,都具有两个输入量,构成比较量,其中之一为(),另一个为()。 CAI 女性,36岁,因记忆力减退、反应迟钝、畏寒、腹胀、便秘、乏力等1月余来门诊就诊。检查:体温35℃,脉搏62/min,粘液性水肿。血TSH升高,FT4低。该患者可能的诊断是() ["呆小症","幼年型甲减","甲状腺功能亢进症","痴呆","甲状腺功能减退症"] 从20世纪下中叶开始,许多文学史家们热衷于用“()”一词来描述20世纪百年中国文学。 What protection method is used in 4F BLSR networks?() [" Each fiber has half of its SONET capacity reserved for protection."," Two fibers in the span carry working traffic, while the other two fibers in the span are reserved for protection."," The signal is sent simultaneously in both directions around the ring. The receiver determines which fiber to listen to based on signal quality."," The signal is sent simultaneously in both directions around the ring. The transmitter determines which fiber has the working bit set for the receiver to acknowledge."] CASE



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