


Astute service providers realize that the continued support of legacy X.25 and asynchronous network element using separate operations network is cost(16).For example,the maintenance of multiple networks can require additional staff. Often, this staff must be trained on multiple vendor technologies, sometimes requiring parallel groups specializing in each (17) .Hence, additional maintenance procedures must be maintained and administrative records are (18) .The duplication of transport facilities to carry (19)network traffic is an inefficient use of resources. And not surprisingly, more technologies installed in a central office means the necessity for more physical space, and an increase in power connections and power consumption migration of these (20) network elements to IP-based DCns is alogical strategy.


A . A.prohibitive
B . feasible
C . connective
D . special

某班级学生《C++程序设计》成绩表如下图所示。若学生作业成绩、上机成绩和比赛成绩分别占综合成绩的15%、25%和60%,那么可先在E3单元格中输入(1),再向垂直方向拖动填充柄至E10单元格,则可自动算出这些学生的综合成绩。若要将及格和不及格的人数统计结果显示在B11和E11单元格中,则应在B11和E11中分别填写(2)。 空白(2)处应选择() =COUNT(E3:E10,>=60)和=COUNT(E3:E10,<60)。 =COUNT(E3:E10,">=60"和=COUNT(E3:E10,"<60")。 =COUNTIF(E3:E10,>=60)和=COUNTIF(E3:E10,<60)。 =COUNTIF(E3:E10,">=60")和=COUNTIF(E3:E10,"<60")。 Astute service providers realize that the continued support of legacy X.25 and asynchronous network element using separate operations network is cost(16).For example,the maintenance of multiple networks can require additional staff. Often, this staff must be trained on multiple vendor technologies, sometimes requiring parallel groups specializing in each (17) .Hence, additional maintenance procedures must be maintained and administrative records are (18) .The duplication of transport facilities to carry (19)network traffic is an inefficient use of resources. And not surprisingly, more technologies installed in a central office means the necessity for more physical space, and an increase in power connections and power consumption migration of these (20) network elements to IP-based DCns is alogical strategy.空白处(17)应选择() A.line。 platform。 sever。 switch。 某班级学生《C++程序设计》成绩表如下图所示。若学生作业成绩、上机成绩和比赛成绩分别占综合成绩的15%、25%和60%,那么可先在E3单元格中输入(1),再向垂直方向拖动填充柄至E10单元格,则可自动算出这些学生的综合成绩。若要将及格和不及格的人数统计结果显示在B11和E11单元格中,则应在B11和E11中分别填写(2)。 空白(1)处应选择() =B3×15%+C3×25%+D3×60%。 =B$3×15%+C$3×25%+D$3×60%。 =SUM(B3x15%+C3×25%+D3×60%)。 =SUM(B$3×15%+C$3×25%+D$3×60%)。 在Windows资源管理器的左窗格中,若显示的文件夹图标前带有""标志,则意味着该文件夹()。 是空文件夹。 仅含有文件。 含有子文件夹。 仅含有隐藏文件。 With hundreds of millions of electronic (11)taking place daily, businesses and organizations have a strong incentive to protect the. (12) of the data exchanged in this manner, and to positively ensure the (13) of those involved in the transactions. This has led to an industry-wide quest for better, more secure methods for controlling IT operations,and for deploying strong security mechanisms deeply and broadly throughout networked infrastructures and client devices. One of the more successful concepts to engage the imaginations of the security community has been the development of standards-based security(14) that can be incorporated in the hardware design of client computers. The principle of encapsulating core security capabilities in (15) and integrating security provisions at the deepest levels of the machine operation has significant benefits for both users and those responsible for securing IT operations.空白处(15)应选择() A.software。 form。 computer。 silicon。

Astute service providers realize that the continued support of legacy X.25 and asynchronous network element using separate operations network is cost(16).For example,the maintenance of multiple networks can require additional staff. Often, this staff must be trained on multiple vendor technologies, sometimes requiring parallel groups specializing in each (17) .Hence, additional maintenance procedures must be maintained and administrative records are (18) .The duplication of transport facilities to carry (19)network traffic is an inefficient use of resources. And not surprisingly, more technologies installed in a central office means the necessity for more physical space, and an increase in power connections and power consumption migration of these (20) network elements to IP-based DCns is alogical strategy.





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