

[问答题] 简述白喉临床诊断的依据是什么

万能工具显微镜是采用()原理来测量的。 ["光学","电学","游标","螺旋副运动"] 初步设计阶段投资控制的目标是不突破()。 ["设计总概算","施工图预算","修正总概算","投资估算"] SY200C挖掘机作业时,显示屏上将显示工作小时数,小数点后一位代表()。 ["1秒钟","1分钟","6分钟","1小时"] 在起重吊装中,钢丝绳捆绑点的选择主要依据是设备的() ["重量","外形尺寸","重心","用途"] What technique should be used on BGP edge routers to prevent a multi - homed autonomous system from becoming a trans it system?() [" Advertise with a high MED value all networks that are discovered via external BGP."," Set the no - export community attribute on all networks that are advertised externally."," Remove the AS - Path information on all routes in the BGP table pr ior to advertising externally."," Set the origin code to incomplete for all networks that are discovered via external BGP."," Only advertise networks externally if they have been discovered via internal BGP."," Use an outgoing distribution list to filte r all networks not originating from inside the autonomous system."] 简述白喉临床诊断的依据是什么



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