

[填空题] 模糊控制不需要确定的系统模型,是一种基于()的控制。

与注销登记或者被吊销营业执照未满()年的企业名称相同的企业名称,工商行政管理机关应不予核准。 ["1","2","3","5"] The thermal expansion valve reacts directly to the () ["temperature in the space being cooled","liquid refrigerant pressure at the solenoid valve","pressure drop across the evaporator coils","refrigerant gas superheat at the coil outlet"] 水稻耐涝的原因是由于() ["发达的通气组织","利用大气中的氧气","利用水中的氧气","根进行无氧呼吸"] 可进行“终止”任务操作的界面有()。 ["A.任务中心","B.今日工作","C.任务查询","D.关联提醒\/任务查询"] A towboat is pushing barges ahead at a dangerously fast speed when(). ["the towboat vibrates when backing down","the roostertail exceeds the height of the main deck","a strain is placed on the face wires","water comes over the foredeck of the lead barge"] 模糊控制不需要确定的系统模型,是一种基于()的控制。



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