

[单选] While setting up the threshold for tablespace space usage metrics for one of your tablespaces, you define the critical threshold as 60% and warning threshold as 75%. What would be the result of this setting?()

A .  It would result in an error because the warning threshold cannot be more than the critical threshold.
B .  The warning threshold is ignored and alerts would be generated when space usage exceeds the critical threshold.
C .  The critical threshold is ignored and alerts would be generated when space usage exceeds the warning threshold.
D .  Both threshold values are used and alerts are generated when space usage exceeds the respective threshold values.

You have installed two 64G flash devices to support the Database Smart Flash Cache feature on your database server that is running on Oracle Linux. You have set the DB_SMART_FLASH_FILE parameter: DB_FLASH_CACHE_FILE= ‘/dev/flash_device_1 ‘,’ /dev/flash_device_2’ How should the DB_FLASH_CACHE_SIZE be configured to use both devices?() Set DB_FLASH_CACHE_SIZE=64G。 Set D3_FLASH_CACHE_SIZE=64G, 64G。 Set D3_FLASK_CACKE_SI2E=128G。 db_flash_cache_SI2E is automatically configured by the instance at startu。 下面哪个部分是属于直流电动机的定子部分?() 换向器。 电枢绕组。 励磁绕组。 风扇。 在小说中塑造了“时间”的先锋作家是() 格非。 苏童。 孙甘露。 余华。 You work as a database administrator for Certkiller .com. You received the following error while working on your database: ORA-01555: snapshot too old  In which situation would you receive such an error?() You performed rollback after commit.。 If a log switch occurs in your database.。 Thearchiverfails to generate an archived log file.。 Instance recovery fails to find one of the redo log files.。 A long-running query is unable to get read-consistent image.。 If you perform manual undo management operations in auto mode.。 李先生,因下肢挤压伤致血钾升高,出现心动过缓,心律不齐。应选用的药物是() 洋地黄。 心得安。 利多卡因。 5%碳酸氢钠。 10%葡萄糖酸钙。 While setting up the threshold for tablespace space usage metrics for one of your tablespaces, you define the critical threshold as 60% and warning threshold as 75%. What would be the result of this setting?()



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