

[多选] 馈赠礼物的时间一般选在()。

A . 传统节日
B . 重大纪念日
C . 临别送行
D . 探视病人
E . 酬谢他人

申请商标注册不得损害他人现有的在先权利,也不得以不正当手段抢先注册他人已经使用并有一定影响的商标。() In order to culture and propagate enough bacteria to treat the body and galley wastes() a new bacteria colony should be put into the plant in advance。 the disinfection chemicals should be always used。 the air blower should be started and keep running in advance。 the nutrient for bacteria should put into plant in advance。 主变压器的学习内容有哪些? If you are caught in the left semicircle of a tropical storm,in the Southern Hemisphere,you should bring the wind(). on the starboard quarter,hold course and make as much way as possible。 2 points on the port quarter,and make as much way as possible。 on the port bow,and make as much way as possible。 dead ahead and heave to。 ()are used to digest the sewage to produce innocuous sludge in a biological sewage treatment plant. anaerobic bacteria。 aerobic bacteria。 air bubbles。 disinfection chemical。 馈赠礼物的时间一般选在()。



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