


You have a computer that runs Windows Vista.
You publish your Windows Calendar to C:\Calendars\mycalendar.ics. A user subscribes to your published calendar. You create a new appointment.
The user reports that the appointment only appears on his calendar 24 hours later.
You need to reduce the amount of time it takes for the appointment to appear in the user’s view of the published calendar.
What should you do?()

A . A
B . B
C . C
D . D

供应链管理的核心理念是每个企业都专注于自己的核心业务。 患者,男性,35岁,车祸致呼吸困难,面色苍白,血压下降,尿量减少,脉搏细数。经检查,临床诊断为右侧第4、5肋骨骨折并损伤性血胸。立即输液、输血,行胸膜腔闭式引流术。此时患者的主要护理问题为() 低效性呼吸型态。 心输出量减少。 营养失调。 舒适的改变。 焦虑或恐惧。 2001年1月1日,东方公司购入朕友公司发行的5年期债券,面值1000元,发行价900元,票面利率8%,单利计息,每年末付息一次,分别计算下列情况的投资收益率。2006年1月1日到期收回。 次生腭 BT模式的运作过程中,以下属于项目招标与合同签订阶段工作的是()。 拟定BT模式投资建设合同。 编制招标文件。 成立项目公司。 招标的政府授权。

You have a computer that runs Windows Vista.
You publish your Windows Calendar to C:\Calendars\mycalendar.ics. A user subscribes to your published calendar. You create a new appointment.
The user reports that the appointment only appears on his calendar 24 hours later.
You need to reduce the amount of time it takes for the appointment to appear in the user’s view of the published calendar.
What should you do?()




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