

[单选] 保安员在巡逻中发现有人实施盗窃时,不能做的是()。

A . 斥责违法犯罪嫌疑人,使其停止实施盗窃行为
B . 捆绑违法犯罪嫌疑人
C . 扭送违法犯罪嫌疑人至公安机关
D . 扭送违法犯罪嫌疑人至服务单位

毛泽东指出“农民问题是中国国民革命的中心问题”的基本观点出自于他所写的()一文中。 《湖南农民运动考察报告》。 《国民革命与农民运动》。 《中国社会各阶级的分析》。 《国民党右派分离的原因及其对于革命前途的影响》。 利息率是指一定时期内()。 剩余价值量与借贷资本总量的比率。 利润量与借贷资本总量的比率。 平均利润量与借贷资本总量的比率。 利息量与借贷资本总量的比率。 民警接到出警指令,赶到现场后发现一名犯罪嫌疑人正将匕首架在怀抱婴儿的老太太脖子上。民警在警告无效的情况下,开枪将犯罪嫌疑人击毙。民警开枪的行为是合法的。 简述资本公积的核算的来源。 How to Start Your Own Business I have recently started a business and have learned some crucial lessons in the process that I feel privileged to share with you. 1. Identify your motivation. __1__ To have more time? To make more money? To be your own boss? To have creative control over what you love to do? Write out all of your motivating factors and prioritize them. When you see them listed, you might see a pattern in that you're just unhappy at your current job and starting your own business isn't the answer. 2. Identify your passion. What do you love to do? What skills and knowledge do you uniquely bring to the table? What gets you excited about your work? __2__ If you keep your passion in plain sight, you will stay focused on the purpose of your business and not solely on the logistics. 3. Identify your market. If you are starting your business locally, research your competitors. Determine if there is room in the market for your business. What will you do differently to draw in customers? What niche market are the other businesses missing? __3__ Your business cannot survive without customers, so do enough research on the front end to determine if there are enough potential clients to keep your business alive. 4. Identify your finances. __4__ You have to buy furniture, trash cans, a garage door opener, light fixtures and landscaping equipment, and before you know it, you've far exceeded your financial boundaries. That can happen just as easily in a business. Do exhaustive financial planning. Meet with a financial advisor or someone at your bank to examine the financial viability of your business and the process of getting it up and running. __5__ Be prepared for financial loss and get advice on how to alleviate that burden in the future. __4__内应为() Plan wisely and do not assume the best about your business.。 Why do you want to start your own business?。 The tragic reality is that when business fail, the passion often dies with it.。 Keep that passion at the forefront of your business plan, your marketing strategies, and your daily routine.。 If you have ever purchased a new home, you know that the financial obligations extend beyond the down payment and the mortage.。 If you are starting an Internet company, research the requirements for your own unique Web presence.。 保安员在巡逻中发现有人实施盗窃时,不能做的是()。




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