

[问答题] 简述公司合并的程序。

链霉素属() ["繁殖期杀菌剂","静止期杀菌剂","快效抑菌剂","慢效抑菌剂"] 通道调板上按住什么功能键可以加选或减选通道?() [" Alt"," Shift"," Ctrl"," Ta"] 领导是领导者影响并感召个人和群体去追求某些目标的行为和过程,其活动的内容不包括() ["指导","计划","激励","沟通"] 柴油发动机配气机构的作用是()。 ["使新鲜空气按一定的要求在一定的时刻进入气缸,并使燃烧后的废气及时地排出气缸,保证发动机换气过程顺利进行","将润滑油不间断地送人发动机地各个摩擦表面,以减少运动件之间地摩擦阻力和零件的磨损,并带走摩擦时产生的热量和金属磨屑","C将一定量的柴油,在一定的时间内以一定的压力喷人燃烧室与空气混合,以便燃烧做功","将发动机受热部件的热量散发到大气中去,保证发动机的正常工作温度"] You have two servers named Server1 and Server2 that run Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2). Server1 is configured as a DHCP server. You plan to decommission the DHCP service on Server1. You need to move the DHCP server configuration to Server2. The configuration must include all configured scopes, leases, and DHCP options. What should you do first? () [" From the DHCP snap-in, export list."," From the DHCP snap-in, back up the server."," From Windows Explorer, copy the %systemroot%\\System32\\Dhcp\\DHCP.mdb file."," From Windows Explorer, copy the %systemroot%\\System32\\Dhcp\\backup\\dhcpcfg file."] 简述公司合并的程序。



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