

[填空题] 现代派诗歌的真正崛起,是在1929年()的诗集《我的记忆》出版之后。

下列关于办理治安案件传唤、口头传唤、强制传唤的表述哪些是正确的?() ["口头传唤不必补办传唤证,但强制传唤必须开具传唤证","派出所所长有权批准传唤","传唤需经县级公安机关负责人批准","对证人不可以使用传唤"] 护士观察病人的言语、表情、动作行为,属于() ["直接观察","间接观察","直接与间接观察","全面观察","表像观察"] 起动机电枢装配过紧可能会造成起动机运转无力。 The EMP table contains these columns: LAST_NAME VARCHAR2 (25) SALARY NUMBER (6,2) DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER (6) You need to display the employees who have not been assigned to any department. You write the SELECT statement: SELECT LAST_NAME, SALARY, DEPARTMENT_ID FROM EMP WHERE DEPARTMENT_ID = NULL; What is true about this SQL statement ?() ["The SQL statement displays the desired results.","The column in the WHERE clause should be changed to display the desired results.","The operator in the WHERE clause should be changed to display the desired results.","The WHERE clause should be changed to use an outer join to display the desired results."] 关于电动机叙述正确的是() ["E与Ia方向相同","E与Ia方向相反","T为驱动转矩","T为阻转矩","E为反电动势"] 现代派诗歌的真正崛起,是在1929年()的诗集《我的记忆》出版之后。



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