

[多选] You execute the following piece of code with appropriate privileges: User SCOTT has been granted theCREATE SESSION privilege and the MGR role.Which two statements are true when a session logged in as SCOTT queries the SAL column in the viewand the table?()

A . Data is redacted for the EMP.SAL column only if the SCOTT session does not have the MGR role set.
B . Data is redacted for EMP.SAL column only if the SCOTT session has the MGR role set.
C . Data is never redacted for the EMP_V.SAL column.
D . Data is redacted for the EMP_V.SAL column only if the SCOTT session has the MGR role set.
E . Data is redacted for the EMP_V.SAL column only if the SCOTT session does not have the MGR role set.

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